57 Happy Promise Day Wishes in Hindi and English

Here are some of the Cute Happy Promise Day wishes. Everyone is looking out for Promise Day Wishes, Messages & SMS to express their feelings.

Happy Promise Day Wishes SMS & Messages in Hindi, English – So we are in the mid of Valentine Week passing beautiful last four days. The Fifth day of Valentine Week is the special day which will be celebrated as a Promise Day on the 11th of February.

Happy Promise Day Wishes SMS & Messages in Hindi and English

This day is special and important as compared to other valentine’s day s as it is all about the relationship between parents, friends, relatives, and couples. Promise Day is celebrated as the day which is full of promises, trust, love, and commitment. It is the most auspicious day to express love and feelings for your partner.

So Promise Day has its unique importance as it is not celebrated only as a love day, but also about respect, care, promises and decision towards your closed ones. People celebrate this Valentine Day with a lot of love and excitement thereby sharing their views, interest, and feelings along with their special ones.

Now since Promise Day is closer, everyone is looking out for Promise Day Wishes, Messages, and SMS to express their feelings.

Cute Happy Promise Day Wishes

Happy Promise Day Wishes – Promises Day is to trust your relationship with lots of responsibilities, commitments, and promises. So make some new promises and try to fulfill the old ones to concrete your relationship. On promise Day, Try to Promise little and do much for your loved ones. Here are some of the Cute Happy Promise Day wishes

Promise Day Wishes

Happy Promise Day
Happy Promise Day

You ârê âs swêêt âs Rosê bud
You ârê Bright Âs  Stâr
You ârê cutê âs â kittên
Thât’s Whât U Ârê.
You Ârê Êvêrything for mê
Happy Promise Day 2022 …!!

Âll Ï wântêd wâs sm1 to Cârê 4 mê
Âll Ï wântêd wâs sm1 who’d bê thêrê 4 mê
Âll Ï êvêr wântêd wâs sm1 who’d bê Truê
Âll Ï êvêr wântêd wâs sm1 likê U
Happy Promise Day …!!

Lovê Is Thê Hâppinêss Of Todây,
Ând Promisê Of Tomorrow,
So This Wârm Notê Comês To You,
To Sây Thât Livê Lifê With  Hêârt Full Of Lovê.
Happy Promise Day …!!

Wishes of Promise Day

Happy Promise Day Wishes
Happy Promise Day Wishes

Happy Promise Day SMS in Hindi English

Happy Promise Day SMS – Promises Day means a lot for the couple, lovers who wish to promise each other. They make a commitment, promises with each other to live together for lifelong.

So Wishing and the greeting is the best way to make promises on this special day. We are here with some of the best Promise Day SMS in Hindi and English which can be sent to your partner, couple, lover to express your feelings in a better way.

Promise Day SMS

Happy Promise Day SMS
Happy Promise Day SMS

Wâdâ Kârtê Hâîn Dostî Nîbhâyêngê
Koshîsh Yâhî Râhêgî Tujhê Nâ Sâtyâêngê
Zârurât Pâdê Toh Dîl Sê Pukârânâ
Mâr Bhî Râhê Hongê To Mohlât Lêkâr Ââyêngê

Nâ Kâro Wâdâ Âgêr Nîbhâ Nâ Sâko
Nâ Châho Usê Jîsê Pâ Nâ Sâko
Sâchî Châhât To Usê Kêhtê Hâîn
Jîsmê Unkê Bînâ Ââp Muskurâ Nâ Sâko

Yê promîsê h humârâ,
Nâ chhodêngê kâbhî sââth tumhârâ,
Jo gâyê tum humê bhool kâr,
Lê ââyêngê pâkâd kâr hââth tumhârâ..
Happy Promise Day …!!

SMS of Promise Day

Happy Promise Day SMS Messages
Happy Promise Day SMS Messages

Happy Promise Day Messages for Girlfriend / Boyfriend

Happy Promise Day Messages – Valentine Week is all about Girlfriend and Boyfriend who are eagerly waiting to meet each other and express their feelings and promises. They want to express their feelings in the best and unique way.

On Promise Day, Couples make promises each other of loyalty, honesty and being together. Here we have some special Happy Promise Day Messages for Girlfriend and Boyfriend which will surely make their day.

Promise Day Messages

promise day quotes for wife
promise day quotes for wife

Î Wânt To Bê Thê Grêâtêst Of Mê,
For Thîs Îs Âll Î Cân Do.
Ît Îs My Wîsh Thât You Promîsê Mê Thîs,
You Bê Thê Grêâtêst Of You.
Happy Promise Day …!!

Thîs Promîsê Dây. Î don’t promîsê you thê moon,
Î don’t promîsê you thê stâr, but îf you promîsê to rêmêmbêr mê,
Î promîsê to bê âlwâys thêrê. Thînkîng of you on thîs Promîsê Dây.

You ârê âs swêêt âs Rosê bud
You ârê Brîght Âs  Stâr
You ârê cutê âs â kîttên
Thât’s Whât U Ârê.
You Ârê Êvêrythîng for mê.

Happy Promise Day

Happy Promise Day 2020 Messages
Happy Promise Day 2022 Messages

Messages of Promise Day





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